
The consumer will send various signals as it processes tasks. Callbacks can be registered as signal handlers, and will be called synchronously by the consumer process.

The following signals are implemented by Huey:

  • SIGNAL_CANCELED: task was canceled due to a pre-execute hook raising a CancelExecution exception.
  • SIGNAL_COMPLETE: task has been executed successfully.
  • SIGNAL_ERROR: task failed due to an unhandled exception.
  • SIGNAL_EXECUTING: task is about to be executed.
  • SIGNAL_LOCKED: failed to acquire lock, aborting task.
  • SIGNAL_RETRYING: task failed, but will be retried.
  • SIGNAL_REVOKED: task is revoked and will not be executed.
  • SIGNAL_SCHEDULED: task is not yet ready to run and has been added to the schedule for future execution.

When a signal handler is called, it will be called with the following arguments:

  • signal: the signal name, e.g. 'executing'.
  • task: the Task instance.

The following signals will include additional arguments:

  • SIGNAL_ERROR: includes a third argument exc, which is the Exception that was raised while executing the task.

To register a signal handler, use the Huey.signal() method:

def all_signal_handler(signal, task, exc=None):
    # This handler will be called for every signal.
    print('%s - %s' % (signal,

def task_not_executed_handler(signal, task, exc=None):
    # This handler will be called for the 4 signals listed, which
    # correspond to error conditions.
    print('[%s] %s - not executed' % (signal,

def task_success(signal, task):
    # This handle will be called for each task that completes successfully.

Signal handlers can be unregistered using Huey.disconnect_signal().

# Disconnect the "task_success" signal handler.

# Disconnect the "task_not_executed_handler", but just from
# handling SIGNAL_LOCKED.
huey.disconnect_signal(task_not_executed_handler, SIGNAL_LOCKED)


We’ll use the following tasks to illustrate how signals may be sent:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

@huey.task(retries=2, retry_delay=10)
def flaky_task():
    if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
        raise ValueError('uh-oh')
    return 'OK'

Here is a simple example of a task execution we would expect to succeed:

>>> result = add(1, 2)
>>> result.get(blocking=True)

The consumer would send the following signals:

  • SIGNAL_EXECUTING - the task has been dequeued and will be executed.
  • SIGNAL_COMPLETE - the task has finished successfully.

Here is an example of scheduling a task for execution after a short delay:

>>> result = add.schedule((2, 3), delay=10)
>>> result(True)  # same as result.get(blocking=True)

The following signals would be sent:

  • SIGNAL_SCHEDULED - the task is not yet ready to run, so it has been added to the schedule.
  • After 10 seconds, the consumer will run the task and send the SIGNAL_EXECUTING signal.

Here is an example that may fail, in which case it will be retried automatically with a delay of 10 seconds.

>>> result = flaky_task()
>>> try:
...     result.get(blocking=True)
... except TaskException:
...     result.reset()
...     result.get(blocking=True)  # Try again if first time fails.

Assuming the task failed the first time and succeeded the second time, we would see the following signals being sent:

  • SIGNAL_EXECUTING - the task is being executed.
  • SIGNAL_ERROR - the task raised an unhandled exception.
  • SIGNAL_RETRYING - the task will be retried.
  • SIGNAL_SCHEDULED - the task has been added to the schedule for execution in ~10 seconds.
  • SIGNAL_EXECUTING - second try running task.
  • SIGNAL_COMPLETE - task succeeded.

What happens if we revoke the add() task and then attempt to execute it:

>>> add.revoke()
>>> res = add(1, 2)

The following signal will be sent:

  • SIGNAL_REVOKED - this is sent before the task enters the “executing” state. When a task is revoked, no other signals will be sent.

Performance considerations

Signal handlers are executed synchronously by the consumer as it processes tasks. It is important to use care when implementing signal handlers, as one slow signal handler can impact the overall responsiveness of the consumer.

For example, if you implement a signal handler that posts some data to REST API, everything might work fine until the REST API goes down or stops being responsive – which will cause the signal handler to block, which then prevents the consumer from moving on to the next task.

Another consideration is the management of shared resources that may be used by signal handlers, such as database connections or open file handles. Signal handlers are called by the consumer workers, which (depending on how you are running the consumer) may be separate processes, threads or greenlets. As a result, care should be taken to ensure proper initialization and cleanup of any resources you plan to use in signal handlers.