Managing shared resources

Tasks may need to make use of shared resources from the application, such as a database connection or an API client.

The simplest approach is to manage the resource explicitly. For example, Peewee database connections can be used as a context manager, so if we need to run some queries inside a task, we might write:

database = peewee.PostgresqlDatabase('my_app')
huey = RedisHuey()

def check_comment_spam(comment_id):
    # Open DB connection at start of task, close upon exit.
    with database:
        comment = Comment.get( == comment_id)

        if akismet.is_spam(comment.body):
            comment.is_spam = True

Another option would be to write a decorator that acquires the shared resource before calling the task function, and then closes it after the task has finished. To make this a little simpler, Huey provides a special helper Huey.context_task() decorator that accepts an object implementing the context-manager API, and automatically wraps the task within the given context:

# Same as previous example, except we can omit the "with db" block.
def check_comment_spam(comment_id):
    comment = Comment.get( == comment_id)

    if akismet.is_spam(comment.body):
        comment.is_spam = True

Startup hooks

The Huey.on_startup() decorator is used to register a callback that is executed once when each worker starts running. This hook provides a convenient way to initialize shared resources or perform other initializations which should happen within the context of the worker thread or process.

As an example, suppose many of our tasks will be executing queries against a Postgres database. Rather than opening and closing a connection for every task, we will instead open a connection when each worker starts. This connection may then be used by any tasks that are executed by that consumer:

import peewee

db = PostgresqlDatabase('my_app')

def open_db_connection():
    # If for some reason the db connection appears to already be open,
    # close it first.
    if not db.is_closed():

def run_query(n):
    db.execute_sql('select pg_sleep(%s)', (n,))
    return n


The above code works correctly because peewee stores connection state in a threadlocal. This is important if we are running the workers in threads (huey’s default). Every thread will be sharing the same PostgresqlDatabase instance, but since the connection state is thread-local, each worker thread will see only its own connection.

Pre and post execute hooks

In addition to the on_startup() hook, Huey also provides decorators for registering pre- and post-execute hooks:

  • Huey.pre_execute() - called right before a task is executed. The handler function should accept one argument: the task that will be executed. Pre-execute hooks have an additional feature: they can raise a special CancelExecution exception to instruct the consumer that the task should not be run.
  • Huey.post_execute() - called after task has finished. The handler function should accept three arguments: the task that was executed, the return value, and the exception (if one occurred, otherwise is None).


from huey import CancelExecution

def pre_execute_hook(task):
    # Pre-execute hooks are passed the task that is about to be run.

    # This pre-execute task will cancel the execution of every task if the
    # current day is Sunday.
    if == 6:
        raise CancelExecution('No tasks on sunday!')

def post_execute_hook(task, task_value, exc):
    # Post-execute hooks are passed the task, the return value (if the task
    # succeeded), and the exception (if one occurred).
    if exc is not None:
        print('Task "%s" failed with error: %s!' % (, exc))


Printing the error message is redundant, as the huey logger already logs any unhandled exceptions raised by a task, along with a traceback. These are just examples.